
What We Do






Our Approach

The Team


Paper Engineering


Research & Development




ROI Data

The Team

We are Artists. We are Inventors. We are Technical Wizards.

We are a creative studio, a lab, and a manufacturing plant all in one, and we have teams of talented people with diverse skillsets making each facet of our organization productive and creative. Our team of inventive engineers, artists, software developers, and designers spend each day pioneering new ways to develop and transform the latest technologies into successful marketing and advertising pieces for you. With over 100 employees and a labor force of over 3,000 worldwide – there’s no job too big or small that we can’t tackle. 


We are obsessed with details.

Singularly unique to Americhip is the lengths to which we go to 'get it right'. Each day our international team of paper engineers design intricate works of art designed to move, pop up, twist, flip and soar from the printed page. Hailing from the around the world, they bring with them creative styles that have been shaped by their cultural experiences and by the craftsmen who helped train them.

We have designers, electronic engineers, and software engineers who demonstrate their expertise – integrating technologies, measuring the die lines, and finalizing assembly points in order to create the most interactive, spectacular marketing solutions.

We have production and logistics managers who manage every facet of the design and manufacturing life cycle. We are acutely attuned to accomplishing projects on time and on budget.


We never stop innovating.

Innovation, engineering and sensory branding are what Americhip is all about. We're always thinking and finding new ways to develop and ''Multisensorize'' your marketing, advertising, and communications. Why? Because that's what we do. Every day, we invent, we explore, we create -- and we love it.


Let's work together to create something amazing.

Americhip's mission is to deliver solutions that engage audiences on a more intimate level. We design, develop, & manufacture innovative communications tools to empower global brands and agencies.
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