Sprite Black Panther Shelf-Edge Spinner Blade

Sprite Black Panther Shelf-Edge Spinner Blade
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When you have a hot new product or licensed property how can you maximize your instore marketing budget and touch the most shoppers?
Partner with Americhip to create an innovative and low-cost display that goes up right on shelf and encourages every passing shopper to reach out and engage. With the upcoming release of the megahit sequel Wakanda Forever, Sprite needed a breakthrough fixture to go into stores across the country that highlighted the unique look of the film and its new limited Sprite Zero release. Americhip designed a clever Spinning Blade that uses the iconic soda can as a tactile element that actually spins within the framework of the shelf display. No shopper passing by can resist the urge to reach out and engage with the fun and functional spinning shelf unit. And while doing so, they learn more about the new Sprite product and pick up a 6 pack to go.
Make sure your instore merchandising engages shoppers and converts them into buyers with an innovative shelf edge display from Americhip.