Nutri Source 4.3” Patented Video Micro Shelf Talkers

Nutri Source 4.3” Patented Video Micro Shelf Talkers
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When you’re launching a new line with multiple individual brands how can you grab attention on shelf and communicate the key benefits of each product to your busy shoppers?
Partner with Americhip to develop a sleek and informative video shelf-edge display that stops shoppers in the aisle and then educates them on your products’ key features and benefits. When Nutri Source was launching its new Element Series of dog food it needed an innovative in store marketing piece to communicate to its consumers. Our patented 4.3” Video Micro Shelf Talker was the perfect tool to allow Nutri Source to highlight each of its four new Element recipes and share why each one is right for a dog at different stages of its life. The flashing red LED catches consumers’ attentions who then trigger the display and engage with a 60 second informative video highlighting the science behind the new line. The video shelf units are deployed in PetCo outlets all over the country.
For a low cost, high impact on-shelf solution put our 4.3” Stock Video Display to work to educate your shoppers.