LG Custom 7" In-Product Video Display
LG Custom 7" In-Product Video Display
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LG launched its latest washing machine, the TurboWash3D, but wasn’t getting the strong response it anticipated based on shoppers not understanding the new features and functionality of the unit.
Grab your shoppers’ attention and educate them right in the store aisle on how and why your product is superior to the competition. Americhip partnered with LG to design and manufacture a custom-shaped Video Display that sits just inside the top cover of the washer and triggers as consumers open the door. As the shopper checks out the new washer, our Video Display plays an informative 60 second video highlighting the key features and functionality that make the TurboWash3D unique.
Make sure your shoppers are getting the full story about your products. Work with Americhip to design a custom Video Display that sits in or on your product and can’t be missed by shoppers when they’re making critical buying decisions.