Bristol Meyers Squibb Box

Bristol Meyers Squibb Box
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New products are being pushed to doctors on a regular basis – so the client knew it had to pique their interest immediately, but how to do it with a product mailer?
Americhip’s paper engineers worked with Bristol Myers Squibb to create a proprietary telescoping box – a box that starts small but slides into 3 larger boxes. Inserted into the recesses of the slide out boxes were a brochure and product sample on one side and a clock on the other.
Signs of Success:
The intrigue factor of the telescoping box proved successful in engaging doctors and encouraging them to open and read the contents of the box. The gift of the clock fit perfectly into the package and delivered an exciting surprise at the end of the experience. Bristol Myers Squibb showed doctors that big things can come in small packages – with an attention grabbing and unique solution.