Jazz Pharmaceuticals Patented 7” Video Mailer
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Patented 7” Video Mailer
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When important research data clearly shows the effectiveness of your product, how can you best educate key partners about the important data and information?
Partner with Americhip to produce a patented Video Mailer that delivers the content in an innovative and easy to digest vehicle. Recent studies made it clear that excess sodium causes severe damage to the heart and arteries. To help communicate how Jazz Pharmaceuticals’ products combat this problem, we developed a sleek 7” Video Mailer that includes detailed data throughout and three compelling videos highlighting all of the results from the recent studies. Physicians and other HCPs were able to take in the key information at the time and in the manner they preferred and were quickly educated on these critical data points.
Make sure you’re communicating with your HCPs in an effective and innovative manner. Your physician partners deserve nothing less.