Janssen Patented 5” Video Treatment Book

Janssen Patented 5” Video Treatment Book
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How to reach struggling patients who have tried one treatment after another without any success?
Help patients understand they’re not alone by sharing the stories of other patients’ similar treatment journeys. Americhip partnered with Janssen to develop a Video Treatment Book for its antidepressant product Spravator that allows real patients to ask direct questions to leading professionals on best treatment practices. With the challenges every patient faces in trying to find the right product and treatment, there is no better way to understand a possible path forward than to hear from patients and experts on the current state of trial and testing data and product performance. The sleek, hard bound book opens to reveal a trifold layout full of important safety and product information. Our video player begins immediately with real patients and experts sharing treatment protocols and histories to instantly engage recipients. To allow patients to view additional treatment stories we included a QR code on the back of the book. And, to ensure patients can’t miss this unique communication tool, we distributed it in a large printed shipper box announcing the special product inside. These Video Treatment Books were shipped to physicians' offices around the country and then distributed to patients during visits. Our Video Book perfectly meshed with Janssen’s campaign focus of “Real patients. Really inspiring stories.”
Make sure you’re providing your patients with innovative communication tools to help them optimize their treatment. After all, they deserve nothing less.