GSK 7” Video Product & Marketing Kit

GSK 7” Video Product & Marketing Kit
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With doctors’ offices busier than ever, how can you ensure your product and marketing materials stay top of mind and within reach of key office personnel and patients?
Grab real estate right in the office with a large Video Product and Marketing Kit. Americhip partnered with GSK and its agency on an innovative launch kit for its Cabenuva brand. Decorated in its energetic color scheme, the Product Box opens to reveal our 7” video player sharing patient testimonials and treatment journeys. The kit also holds product samples and marketing information. The turned-edge video box opens with a magnetic hinged lid and is stylish enough to fit anywhere inside the office while also being sufficiently rugged to stand up to constant handling throughout the year. It’s the perfect combination of video marketing device and product sample kit all rolled into one!
Grab attention and communicate with key HCPs and patients right in the office with an innovative Video Product & Marketing Kit from Americhip.